All AWT Seminars

Listener-AWT-Hardening Circle-Heat Treatment
Listener-AWT-Hardening Circle-Heat Treatment

AWT seminars - online and face-to-face

The AWT seminars are an important component of AWT's training program. In the seminars, important basic knowledge about the individual specialist topics is imparted. Due to the limited number of participants, an intensive exchange and individual consultation is guaranteed. A high degree of application-oriented learning is made possible. Leibniz-IWT has its own hardening store and extensive laboratory equipment. Thus, samples can be brought and analyzed at many seminars.

The AWT also offers in-house training or seminars in cooperation with other associations on request.

Please note the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for Seminars of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik e. V. (Working Group Heat Treatment and Materials Engineering e. V.)


AWT seminars at a glance

Further seminars in planning