Technical committee 11 Quenching

Technical committee 11 Quenching
Technical committee 11 Quenching

Member area AWT FA 11

Access to the new AWT member area from 2020:

Goals and Objectives:

  • Investigation of the quenching processes during hardening with regard to the occurring heat transfers
  • Development of measurement and analysis methods for determining the heat transfer coefficient
  • Elaboration of methods for characterization of quenching processes and prediction of hardness, microstructure results and residual stresses.

All tasks relate to the use of
- liquid quenchants
- gaseous quenchants
- multiphase quenchants

Next date:


Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Beitz
Heat Treaters' Circle, Hannover, FA 11 Abschrecken
Römerring 12-16
31137 Hildesheim