Session FA 4 - Case hardening

Current meeting of the AWT technical committee on case hardening. Questions concerning new standards and draft standards are dealt with. Furthermore, the status of various project ideas will be discussed and reports on ongoing projects will be given. The meeting will be held in compliance with AWT's antitrust regulations. Details of the meeting will be sent out with the invitation letter four weeks prior to the meeting. Guest participation is also possible for non-members.

A joint dinner will be held the evening before (20.11.2023) from 6:00 pm.

Are you interested in this AWT event? Contact us directly here:


SEW Bruchsal Hauptsitz, Ernst Blickle Straße 42, 76646 Bruchsal


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung + Werkstofftechnik e. V. (AWT )

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