Lightweight construction is a key issue in transportation and mechanical engineering in order to reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions and increase payload or range. Effective lightweight design can only be achieved through cooperation between materials engineering, design, dimensioning and production technology. Aluminum alloys are frequently used as lightweight materials. Compared with other lightweight materials, aluminum has advantages in terms of processability, cost and recyclability.
The aim of the seminar is to convey the basic material-technical relationships between heat treatment, material structure and properties as well as information on the practical implementation of heat treatments. The seminar focuses on annealing processes and precipitation hardening as the most important process for increasing the strength of aluminum alloys and the resulting component properties. The seminar is aimed at interested parties from the fields of development, design, production, materials technology or quality assurance.
- Fundamentals of aluminum alloys
- Precipitation hardening: solution annealing, quenching sensitivity
- Quenching processes, quenching media
- Precipitation hardening: ageing
- Heat treatment plants
- Testing of heat-treated aluminum alloys
- Practical part in laboratories of Leibniz IWT Bremen
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Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik e. V. (AWT)