Session FA 4 - Case hardening

Current meeting of the AWT technical committee on the subject of case hardening. Issues relating to new standards and draft standards are discussed. The status of various project ideas is also discussed and reports are given on ongoing projects.

The meeting will be held in compliance with the antitrust regulations of the AWT. Details of the event will be sent out with the invitation letter four weeks before the meeting. Guest participation is also possible for non-members.


- Information from the AWT on the topics of standards and seminars
- Energy efficiency and potential savings as well as possible future energy resources in and for contract heat treatment plants
- Theory and practice put to the test
- Report on the TTP lightweight construction project "Light4Speed"
- Report on the IGF21486 N "ebainII" project
- Status of various project applications
- Project idea "Accompanying elements" by Dr.-Ing. Matthias Steinbacher

Are you interested in this AWT event? Contact us directly here:


Gastgeber: Hanomag Lohnhärterei GmbH


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung + Werkstofftechnik e. V. (AWT )


Mi, 26.03.2025, 08:30 o'clock - 16:30 o'clock

More information: